Sunday, December 18, 2005


Here are some random photos of Christmas decorations. They didn't come out real great (some were very blurry) and you can't see all the Star Wars, Star Trek, and superhero ornaments but I thought I'd post them just the same.

This is the famous Matt poster. It's his High School photo surrounded by lots of candid shots (some with his brother "Muck", some with Steve, Shannon is in one.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a guy who started a web-log with good intentions of updating, and posting on a pretty regular basis. Never minding the fact that he couldn't update a regular journal once ever in his life. That is why I don't post on a regular basis, I'm just not programmed too.

Last night we hosted a Christmas party for our friends, It was a blast. Some of our guests had never been here before and were very impressed with the house. We finished decorating earlier that afternoon (downstairs) and hung a bunch of Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments (geeks). The bar looked very cool.

The picture is of my good friend Matt, I had to take it so we could add to our white elephant gift for next year. I'll try to take some photos of our loot and post it, but you already know how fast those will show up. Matt is a really good musician, he plays in a punk band called the Fleshies. You can get their CD's on Amazon, he's famous hence the home-made poster.