Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to my garden

This post is like an episode of 'Cribs'. Just pretend I'm famous or something, and you care about what kind of crap I have in my house/yard.

Step inside, Morgan and I made this path. Taylor and I planted 2 rows of carrots on the left and a row of radishes on the right.

On the left, I've planted some crookneck squash, dill, cucumber, cilantro, basil,and 4 tomatoes.

At the end of the path, I planted 2 red bell peppers, and an Anaheim pepper.

On the right, I planted pumpkins, zucchini, summer squash, yellow zucchini, and another crookneck, because Shannon likes them.

I just like this picture 'cause it looks like a face...or boobs depending on how much beer you've had.

Taylor planted peas at the fence posts, and flowers along the fence line. That's pretty much the whole thing except for the hops, which are coming along nicely now after the initial shock of being moved. I'll take some pictures of those when they are a bit taller.

Friday, April 04, 2008

This years garden

This year I'm trying to get an early start on the garden. Most of the time I'm trying to plant it at the last minute. This year my friend Phil and I pulled out 3 stumps. Well 1 stump and 2 bushes, but we pulled them out the roots. Hopefully they won't come back.
Usually I just plant my garden in this small strip, but this year I want to move the hops over here.

This year I used Phil's rototiller and did this larger section. I amended the soil with horse manure from Elayne (she's got lots of it).

Just look at that dirt, now I need to figure out what to plant.