Wednesday, August 24, 2005

After that long break...

These are a couple of shelves that I bought at Disneyland about 7 or 8 years ago. I've always liked them,I wouldn't say they're subtle, but they aren't as blatantly Disney as some things I've seen. Anyway I was told to post these for Apl.

This is a picture of the hops, they look like little green pine cones. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago, but I've been busy re-reading the Harry Potter series again. I finished the last book and decided I needed to read them again. In 'the Order of the phoenix' when they are cleaning out number 12 Grimwald place, they find a large gold locket that none of them can open. Serius Black's brother was named Regulus...R.B...possibly R.A.B. For all you geeks out there, check it out.

The other reason I haven't posted in a while is because I didn't want to just rant again. We are having issues with our neighbor and it's really been gnawing away at my insides. But I don't want to just bitch about it on my blog because I don't want anyone to think that all I do is complain. Well any way, I'm hoping to brew a batch of beer this weekend. Maybe I'll make another batch of creme brulee, drink some port, smoke a cigar and relax.