Wednesday, August 24, 2005

After that long break...

These are a couple of shelves that I bought at Disneyland about 7 or 8 years ago. I've always liked them,I wouldn't say they're subtle, but they aren't as blatantly Disney as some things I've seen. Anyway I was told to post these for Apl.

This is a picture of the hops, they look like little green pine cones. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago, but I've been busy re-reading the Harry Potter series again. I finished the last book and decided I needed to read them again. In 'the Order of the phoenix' when they are cleaning out number 12 Grimwald place, they find a large gold locket that none of them can open. Serius Black's brother was named Regulus...R.B...possibly R.A.B. For all you geeks out there, check it out.

The other reason I haven't posted in a while is because I didn't want to just rant again. We are having issues with our neighbor and it's really been gnawing away at my insides. But I don't want to just bitch about it on my blog because I don't want anyone to think that all I do is complain. Well any way, I'm hoping to brew a batch of beer this weekend. Maybe I'll make another batch of creme brulee, drink some port, smoke a cigar and relax.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE SHELVES TOO! I really need to get over to see your new place. Maybe I'll bring my big duffle bag just in case there is anything I think I might need. Screw your neighbors, throw a ham over their fence like Ozzy did. Keep it metal!

Kelly O said...

Nice Hops!

Rant about the neighboors, you will feel better and we will enjoy your post.

Anonymous said...

Finally! The shelves are great - I actually wouldn't have noticed the ears if you hadn't mentioned it (maybe I'm just blind...) Don't let the neighbor get to you, try moving the litter box outside a little at a time so Spike will no where to "go". :)

Wudas said...

What goes around comes around. Your nasty neighbor will get hers. I'm sure you aren't her only neighbor that she has trouble with.

My hops don't look anything like yours do. But they'll be much better next year. The peacocks won't eat them next year. They only do that the first year they are planted.