Then we got some 1/4" Sheetrock and put it on top and finished it off with trim at the bottom (like chair rail).
I made this stencil
Painted the upper half a light grey, and the stencil a slightly darker shade (you can barely see it).
Morgan and I put all the stuff back even though it's not quite finished. it needs crown molding and I want Shannon's input on a couple of things.
These last 2 photos my friend Phil took when he was in Ireland. He saw this shop and thought of Shannon.I thought the other knitters and spinners would appreciate them too.
These last 2 photos my friend Phil took when he was in Ireland. He saw this shop and thought of Shannon.I thought the other knitters and spinners would appreciate them too.
YOu have done so much since Shannon has been gone, she isn't going to recognize the place! You've been quite handy, looks like nice work all around.
Now go clean a mirror will ya?!
Morgan's room looks better than I thought it would.
That was so nice of Phil to take that picture for me. That's cool that he thought of me when he saw that store.
I hope Phil stuck his head in the door and got a sniff of the wool fumes. I know he's immune but it's the thought that counts.
Morgan's room looks waaaay bigger and brighter. Niiiiice.
Nice job on Morgan's room. I really like the distressed wood look. YOu can't make it perfect when life is going to beat up your nice job anyway.
I think maybe while you are in the cleaning mode you may want to get out the vacuum cleaner and some other products as well. Make sure you are all caught up on the the laundry as well, she will appreciate that.
Very nice job Will. When you finish up everything there, come over here. Dave's got tons of stuff you can finish for him. LOL!
He's actually finished 2 out of the 3 arbors and is right this instant finishing up the 3rd. Now he's talking about adding a garage. )(&*%$^%$^***)(! Does his mind ever stop?
Taylor's room also turned out cute. Wait until next year when the kids say, "Can we paint my room? I'm tired of the color?" Hahahahaha!
And we had kids....why? Hahahahaha!
Aunt Patricia
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