Friday, August 22, 2008

New Stuff

This is Taylor's new bed. I put it together the other night.
She really likes it, she's waiting for her mom to come home and sew some curtains for it.
These are my new boots, they are 'New rock Boots' made in Spain.
I got these on EBAY for $100, that is a steal. Check out the link and see how much I saved. Man that mirror is dirty.


Shannon said...

Taylor's bed looks great! I'm glad that she likes it. Your boots are nice too.

angie, party of one said...

I love Taylor's bed and your boots. Isn't ebay wonderful?
Shannon is going to come home to a whole new house I swear.

Wudas said...

Love the bed. It suits Taylor.

The boots are cool.

Clean the mirror.

Kelly O said...

Clean the mirror before Shannon gets home, the bathroom as well...for that matter the whole house.

Nice bed, I am sure Taylor loves it.

Wudas said...

I think Taylor needs a new ceiling fan. That one doesn't fit anymore. Or you can do what I do. Paint the thing.

Wudas said...

You need a new post.