Monday, August 11, 2008

The Current Project

These walls were green when we moved in, some people really like it. Shannon and I think it looks like baby poop.

So I patched up all the holes, moved everything around. and slept in Morgans room for a week
I painted one wall a dark teal.
The rest were a light teal. Daisey and Izzy had to be moved around.
And a Celtic border in a shade between the two.
Here is a close-up of the border.


angie, party of one said...

Shannon you need to be gone all the time, you'll never need any work done around the house!
It looks really nice Will, good job and choice of colors and design.

wilsajedi said...

It's easier to paint with Shannon gone. painting causes disarrey(?) and Shannon can't function long in that. I, on the other hand, don't give a crap. I just need to clear a place to sleep and eat.

Anonymous said...

Nice paint do fill your time with excellent projects..Sandi

Kelly O said...

Wow! I really dig the colours you chose. That looks so good. The celtic border is really nice.

Your comment about Shannon not standing the chaos rings home for me as well. I can't wait to get things back together when the paint dries.

Shannon said...

The bedroom looks great! The border looks great too! I was surprised to see how much brighter our bedroom is, even with the one wall painted a darker color. It looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hey, where'd you learn to be so handy? Come over to my house... Megan's room is in desperate need of a paint job! All your projects look great. And when did you start blogging again???? - Katie

Wudas said...

It looks better in person!

Anonymous said...

Bedroom colors look beautiful and I like the striped bathroom too (just looked back at your old posts).